Hi everyone.
Things have been moving on within the councils of West Yorkshire. Anyone that has ever had to deal with any local council will appreciate what an exasperating, long winded process this is. Multiply this by five councils and it may give you some appreciation of the task that we have in West Yorkshire to get them all on board.
Calderdale Council have been in touch to inform us that the Traffic Regulation Orders that need to be in place to allow motorcycles to use all of the bus lanes in Calderdale are currently being put in place. This should make Calderdale the first of the five West Yorkshire councils to fully implement the West Yorkshire Combined Authority decision to allow motorcycle bus lane access throughout the county. It’s a long, slow process that at last seems to be bearing fruit.
After many months of emailing, we’ve finally had a reply from Bradford City Council to our approach regarding both secure motorcycle parking and bus lane access. This reply was very positive in tone and came from the councillor with portfolio for transport so hopefully we’ve finally made contact with the decision makers within Bradford council. We await further developments, hopefully positive.
We’ve had a face to face meeting with the councillor with portfolio for transport in Leeds City Council, councillor Lisa Mulherin. Anyone that has followed the trials and tribulations of Leeds MAG and the previous incumbent of the post, will appreciate what a big deal this is for us. The meeting was held at Leeds Civic Hall and we put our arguments across in a forthright manner. We discussed bus lane access, theft, both trying to educate riders and meeting with the police to try to ensure they’re putting some effort into catching the criminals after the diabolical theft rankings in West Yorkshire. We also discussed the implementation of the extra secure motorcycle parking that we’ve gained funding for, road infrastructure and the similarities between the problems faced by all single track vehicles, no matter what their motive power (cycles, scooters, motorcycles etc) The councillor was very impressed with the work we’ve done so far, assured us that she would chase up the relevant officers to ensure that we can work together for a positive outcome for all concerned.
Over in East Yorkshire, Rep, Garry Williams has been chasing up the police to ensure that operation Yellowfin (the Humberside Police operation to combat bike theft) is still ongoing as thefts seem to be on the rise again.
Leeds city centre was disrupted again with feral youths riding illegal motorcycles in an illegal and antisocial manner on Halloween. This wasn’t of the scale of three years ago and involved around 50 motorcycles and quads. The police seem to have played the incident down but as always all motorcyclists will get tarred with the same brush as these criminals – though on the positive side, none of the press agencies referred to them as “bikers” which was one of our arguments last time this happened. As far as we’re concerned scrotes on illegal bikes riding under the “biker life” banner are the enemy of real bikers and should be referred to by their correct title of thieves and criminals. Here is the link to the current “Network” which will keep you informed with MAG happenings around the country. https://wiki.mag-uk.org/images/c/c9/Network_2019_-12.pdf
On the 22nd September we had the Yorkshire MAG AGM at The Royal Hotel. At that meeting, Oliver Rose informed the room that he would be stepping down as South Yorkshire Rep. South Yorkshire is very lucky as it is quite bike friendly anyway with the work previously done by MAG, but we need a strong MAG presence in the county, to match the presence in both the East and West of the county. For this reason we’re hoping for a good turnout and a “relaunch” of South Yorkshire MAG. I’ve had a couple of expressions of interest in taking over as Rep, so we’re hopeful that things can push forward in South Yorkshire and please don’t forget that MAG is very much a member led organisation and without your involvement it can’t continue locally. The South Yorkshire AGM is going to be held on Sunday 5th January at The Ball at Thorpe Hesley from 7.30pm full details here https://facebook.com/events/2475859382702580/?ti=icl
East Yorkshire MAG are having their AGM on 14th November. Full details are below but it’d be great if you could attend and give Garry Williams the support and endorsement he deserves after a very productive year as East Yorkshire MAG Rep.
After the AGC that we hosted in West Yorkshire, all raffle prizes have been claimed. We’ve now got the final figures for the AGC finances and the three West Yorkshire MAG groups will be giving a donation of £908 to the MAG fighting fund. An enormous thanks must go to all the volunteers that helped out over the AGC weekend and also to all the members who came from far and wide to make the event such a success.
We’re still wanting to restart Scarborough MAG and York MAG or get a completely new group going in North Yorkshire. If anyone is willing to become a rep (it’s great fun and very rewarding) or even host a meeting, just to get a likeminded group of folk keeping in touch and pushing the MAG message, please give me a call (07867918722) or message me via email, text, Facebook etc. North Yorkshire is a big area and it’s a real shame we don’t have a North Yorkshire group or two, especially considering it’s a biking Nirvana. As I’ve had little interest in starting a North Yorkshire group up, we’ve decided to start a North Yorkshire MAG Facebook group. I’ll be admin along with Marcus, our webmaster, so if you live in North Yorkshire and want to chat with like minded folk, get on it
Obviously at this time of year the rally scene has quietened down for now, but the MAG groups still carry on with our own events.
Leeds MAG had our 8th comedy night which was both well attended and very funny (as a comedy night should be) – watch out for our 9th one next year.
Huddersfield MAG had yet another successful food based event at The Field Head when they hosted “Sausage night”. It was a really good night with splendid grub and great company. We raised £221 for MAG funds! Next up will be pie night. Keep an eye on Facebook as it always sells out quickly.
East Yorkshire MAG held a very successful Halloween party with some great live music and splendid costumes from the members. A great night was had by all, as always.
We’ve got a few events coming up in the next few months that you may want to add to your diaries.
Thursday 14th November – The East Yorkshire MAG Annual General Meeting will take place following the regular group meeting, which will start at the usual time of 8pm at the Foresters Arms, Beckside, Beverley.
Sunday 17th November – Leeds MAG Bargain Hunt challenge. Meet at The Bowling Green (Wetherspoons) in Otley for breakfast from 11am then head up to Otley car boot sale which opens at 12 noon. Buy one item for £5 or less that should make a profit when sold. We’ll then list them on eBay and hopefully make some money for MAG. The person that bought the item that made the most profit will receive a small prize
Saturday 23rd November – Huddersfield MAG’s Top Box Sale takes place at The Jubilee Biker Breakfast. Get your breakfast (for a donation) and treat yourself to some pre-loved kit. It starts at 9 am and takes place at Jubilee Centre, Market Street, Paddock, Huddersfield, HD1 4SH: https://www.facebook.com/groups/204752803563815/
Wednesday 27th November is the Wakefield MAG biker quiz from 8pm at The Grey Horse WF1 4EJ. Always hotly contested and always great fun. Why not get a few mates together and come along to try to become the next Yorkshire MAG quiz champions?
Wednesday 18th December – Leeds MAG Christmas toy run. Meeting at Cardigan Fields car park (behind McDonalds on Kirkstall Road) from 6pm to leave at 6.30pm to ride to Lineham Farm children’s centre to deliver prezzies to the kids. Presents up to £5 marked boy/girl/either would be appreciated. Refreshments upon arrival are provided and all bikers are welcome.
Sunday 22nd December – Leeds MAG Christmas drinkypoos with the Interiorz at The Duck and Drake. The usual fun and festivities will happen.
Sunday 5th January – South Yorkshire MAG AGM. Oliver is stepping down this year so this AGM will be a new chapter for MAG in South Yorkshire. A new rep will mean a new group, with new ideas and aims so come along and get involved in the new South Yorkshire MAG Group.
Tuesday 28th February – Leeds MAG Annual General Meeting @ The Royal Hotel LS28 8PR from 8pm in the upstairs room. All MAG members are encouraged to attend.
Sunday 9th February – West Yorkshire MAG Fred Hill run. Meeting at Squires cafe LS25 5LX from 10am , leaving at 11am prompt to ride to the Sun Inn at Newthorpe to remember the sacrifice for riders rights that Fred made.
Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd May – Into The Valley – full details from https://www.mapevents.co.uk
Friday 19th to Sunday 21st June – The Farmyard Party – full details from https://www.mapevents.co.uk
Friday 31st July to Sunday 2nd August – The Yorkshire Pudding Rally – full details from https://www.mapevents.co.uk
Finally if you want to get more involved at a local level (and to really get the most out of your MAG membership, I strongly recommend that you do) here are the meeting details of the five Yorkshire MAG groups – though we are looking to expand with more groups so if you haven’t got one close by and fancy getting together with like minded bikers, get in touch with me at manny@mag-uk.org We’re very lucky in having some very strong groups in Yorkshire, but we need the members to join in, so pop along to your local meeting and help to make a difference
East Yorkshire MAG meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 8pm at The Forresters Arms HU17 0PR
Huddersfield MAG meet every Wednesday from 8.30pm at The Fieldhead HD3 4FB
Leeds MAG meet every 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday from 8pm at The Royal Hotel LS28 8PR
South Yorkshire MAG meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 7pm at The Ball,1 Hesley Bar, Thorpe Hesley, Rotherham, S61 2PW
Wakefield MAG meet every Wednesday from 8.30 at The Grey Horse WF1 1JG
Ride safe Manny (Yorkshire MAG rep)