Motorcycles and the West Yorkshire Mayor’s 2040 Local Transport Plan

This page contains the three West Yorkshire local MAG branches’ response to the Mayor’s Local Transport Plan.

Now that active travel has become established we believe that it is time to for the WYCA consider additional alternatives to the private car. Motorcycles offer an alternative that is more flexible than buses and which is not dependent on the user’s physical ability or the terrain. 50cc mopeds may be used from the age of 16 and adapted motorcycles give people with mobility issues the ability to travel independently. Motorcycles are also cheaper to run than cars.

The 2017 WYCA Local Transport Plan stated “Motorcycles are another convenient, affordable and efficient form of transport in their use of fuel and of road space. We believe that levels of motorcycle usage could increase due to the lower costs associated with motorcycles and the limited alternative transport options in some areas”.

We would like the next revision of the plan to build on this and start to encourage motorcycles.

Our implementation plan written by Marcus Houlden, Leeds & Bradford MAG’s local campaigns officer, contains details and references.

An executive summary written by Tom Lonsdale, Yorkshire MAG’s political officer, is also available.

Please see the local groups page for contact details for the three groups.